We understand how difficult life can be when your child has a sleep issue and sleep is important for our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. In order to support parents and children with this issue Brooklands School would like to offer you advice and support through our School sleep Counsellor; Lisa.
Our aim is to support families to get a better night’s sleep by offering workshops, coffee mornings offering advise. We also have an array of resources that may help promoting a good bedtime routine including books, sensory baskets and visual supports form our sleep resource library. These are available to borrow for a small refundable deposit.
Our videos give advice, information and tips about supporting your toddler, child or teenager including those with additional needs and learning disabilities with sleep. We recommend you watch the videos in numerical order.
Children and Family Health Surrey has produced a series of four videos for families to support toddlers, children and teenagers (including those with additional needs and learning disabilities) with sleep. This is video 1 of 4. The videos feature nurses and sleep experts giving advice, information and tips for supporting sleep.
2/4 Supporting your child's sleep: Sleep difficulties, bedtime routine and teenagers
Children and Family Health Surrey has produced a series of four videos for families to support toddlers, children and teenagers (including those with additional needs and learning disabilities) with sleep. This is video 2 of 4. The videos feature nurses and sleep experts giving advice, information and tips for supporting sleep.
3/4 Supporting your child's sleep: Sleep strategies, bedtime environment and additional needs
Children and Family Health Surrey has produced a series of four videos for families to support toddlers, children and teenagers (including those with additional needs and learning disabilities) with sleep. This is video 3 of 4. The videos feature nurses and sleep experts giving advice, information and tips for supporting sleep.
Children and Family Health Surrey has produced a series of four videos for families to support toddlers, children and teenagers (including those with additional needs and learning disabilities) with sleep. This is video 4 of 4. The videos feature nurses and sleep experts giving advice, information and tips for supporting sleep.
If you would like further support with your child and their sleep please speak to your child's class teacher or contact our school sleep counsellor at Sleep@brooklands.surrey.sch.uk