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Brooklands School

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Brooklands School

Sapphire Class

There are ten children in Sapphire Class. We are based at the Alexander Road Brooklands site. We follow the Brooklands Blue curriculum, which you can read about on the 'Blue curriculum' page. 


We have a teacher, a HLTA and three TA’s to help us to learn.


Our daily routines can be seen in our timetable below. In Sapphire Class we begin by finding out about our day by looking at the visual timetable and finding out how we are feeling by using the 'Zones of Regulation'. We refer back to these throughout the day.


We have a daily Read Write Inc phonics and a Math session every morning. These lessons are guided which allows pupils to complete tasks or activities which allow them to work towards individual IPP targets. The math or literacy activities are linked to our learning topics. Each half term, there are different topic themes to explore as well as stand-alone specific events or celebrations we learn about. In the afternoons, we focus on the foundation subjects such as Science, PSHE, Art, DT, PE and Geography/History.


We have our weekly PE on a Monday.  Pupils can also attend music therapy through the week  As part of our integration programme, pupils can attend lessons in a local school, Signing Choir at Wray Park and we share Community Time sessions on a Friday. We celebrate our achievements and important dates and events with other Classes  during assembly on a Monday and Star or the Week on a Friday.  


To make each week even more fun-filled we also have time in our popular soft play room and extend our sensory offer with time on Sensory Circuits, in the Sensory Room or time on the fantastic fitness trail. We enjoy crafts, playing outside, listening to or reading stories, music, singing and dancing.


If you would like to contact us then our email address is:



Autumn Math activities

Learning Through Play

Our Schools
