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Brooklands School

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Brooklands School

Dragon Class

Dragon timetable Spring 2025

Welcome to Dragon Class!


Within Dragon class we have 8 wonderful children following the Green curriculum pathway, with some elements of formal learning similar to that in the Blue curriculum. Dragon class is based at the Wray Park Brooklands school site and has 2 part time teachers, a full time LTA  and three full time TAs.


In Dragon class we are all using our own ways to communicate about what we are doing whether that is through speech, signing or using various visual communication aids both high and low tech. Our class is a fun and busy place to be! We are always exploring different things linked to our topic and hooks. Each day we start with sensory circuits and we have breaks throughout the day where we use sensory circuits to support our emotional regulation. In Dragon class our favourite sessions in the day are the irresistible inputs and attention autism because we love all the different sensory approaches to learning.


We are lucky to have regular slots in soft play, multi-sensory room, swimming pool, hydro pool, swing room, the library and in our beautiful sensory garden; all of which are spaces that support us with our learning.  


This term our topic is 'Town and Country' and we will be exploring all different genres of stories and activities linked to ourselves, our community and the people around us.


If you'd like to see what a week in Dragon Class looks like please see our timetable above.


If you would like to contact us then our email address is:

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