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Brooklands School

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Brooklands School

Bluebird Class

In Bluebird class we have 9 children, 2 teachers (Charlotte and Lauren), 1 Lead Teaching Assistant (Gabi) and 3 Teaching Assistants (Debbie, Erika and Beth).  We are based at the Alexander Road site. 


We follow the principles of the National Curriculum and adapt it to the individual needs of each child, as well as incorporating the Blue curriculum of Brooklands School.


Each week we plan a themed “hook”. This is our short term planning which incorporates the overarching topic, the IPP targets of the class and makes use of the interests of the individual pupils. It is really important that we plan exciting and interesting activities and lessons in order to grab the attention of our children and sustain the learning. We always endeavour to offer our children an irresistible invitation to learn. We enjoy our Attention Autism sessions, music and anything creative!


We use a total communication approach including the use of simple and clear speech, visual support through the use of individual timetables and first and then, ALD boards and Makaton signing.


The children in Bluebird class follow a predictable and consistent approach to learning which has a clear structure and purpose. The children are supported with a visual timetable to support their learning and promote independence.



If you would like to contact us, then our email address is:


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