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Brooklands School

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Brooklands School

Canary Class

There are six children in Canary Class, four girls and two boys. We are between Year 2 and Year 5. We follow the Brooklands yellow curriculum which you can read about on the "Yellow curriculum" page. 


We have a Teacher, Tash, a Lead Teaching Assistants Sharon and three Teaching Assistants to help us to learn. At lunchtime we have two mid-day supervisors to assist us.


Most of the children in Canary class use high tech AAC devices to communicate but we also use symbols, some signing and our voices. We have lots of specialised equipment too, walkers, standing frames, indoor chairs, outdoor chairs and hoists. Our Teacher calls them our vehicles! 


Our favourite thing in Canary class is music and we have music focused learning activities throughout the week. We also enjoy swimming, food exploration and our Read, Write, Inc bucket time.


Our classroom is always busy but is also lots of fun!


If you would like to contact us then our email address is;

Our Topic this term is Now that's a talent, we will cover 'Talented People', 'Build It' and 'Hobbies' before half term. Then 'Cooking', 'Artists', 'Sports' and 'The Arts'.


Here are some lovely examples of how we learn through fun activities in Canary Class. We have loved cooking, woods for learning and many more fun things.

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