After school clubs
Brooklands School
After School Clubs
Sports, Trampolining and Variety Clubs
Sports Club – This club is suitable for all children. It will be led by Gary Marlow who is a SEN PE specialist experienced and skilled in delivering a wide range of physical activities to pupils with SLD, PMLD and complex needs. He will be supported by Brooklands staff. The children will have the opportunity to experience a range of different sports. This club runs on Mondays.
Trampolining Club (for the over 5’s) – This will continue to be run by Tracy Caudle, a qualified trampolining coach who teaches our children in school each week, with support from school staff. To be eligible for the group your child needs to be able to climb up the steps on to the trampoline with limited support. This club runs on Tuesdays.
Variety Club – This club is suitable for all children. It will be led by Unni Heggen. As the club name suggests it features a little bit of everything; sensory, story, crafts, etc. This club runs on Thursdays.
All clubs will run from 3.30 - 4.30pm and you will need to collect your child promptly at 4.30pm. Your child will only be booked in for one club at a time but please express your interest in other clubs as there may be additional places available.
The clubs will run for 10 weeks. Unfortunately refunds are not possible if your child misses a session as the school is providing the staffing for all clubs. We will contact you with a start date and a request for payment.
The weekly cost for each club is £8.50
Regrettably we are having to increase the costs of the clubs to £8.50 per session. This is to ensure that the school is able to cover the costs of running the club.