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Brooklands School

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Brooklands School

Hummingbird Class


We have seven children in Hummingbird Class, all boys. We follow the Brooklands blue pathway which you can read about on the 'Blue Pathway' page.


In Hummingbird Class we have a teacher, an LTA and and 2 TA 's to help us to learn. 


In Hummingbird Class we start our day with our 'morning mile' and by using our 'Zones of Regulation' to check in on how we are feeling.


All staff use a range of communication methods to meet the needs of the children. These include the use of clear language, visual supports including individual timetables, ALD boards, First and Then boards and Makaton signing.


The children in Hummingbird Class are very sociable and we are continuing to work hard on social and independence skills.


We have a structured timetable which includes a daily phonics session every morning (following our Read, Write. Inc programme). The other sessions throughout the day include maths, literacy, science, geography, history and RE. We also enjoy creative sessions such as art, music and cookery, as well as spending time in the multi-sensory room, soft play and the library.


We have weekly PE lessons on a Monday afternoon and 'Community Time' sessions, and Assembly on a Friday.


If you have any questions or would like to contact us in class, our email address is:


Topic: Summer Term:  Now That's a Talent,

Hooks:  Build it, Hobbies, Cooking, Artists, The Arts, Sports and Disability Awareness

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