Bluebell Class
We have nine children in Bluebell Class. We follow the Brooklands Blue curriculum which you can read about on the "Blue curriculum" page.
We have 2 teachers (1FTE), 2 LTA's (1FTE) and 2 Teaching Assistants (2FT) and 3 Teaching Assistants (2FTE) to help us to learn.
We start each day with an early morning activity that includes 1:1 reading or early work. We then use our visual timetable and 'zones of regulation' check in and we all enjoy taking part in our daily maths meetings followed by a movement break to get us ready for the day.
Each morning we do RWI phonics, followed by our drink and snack time. This gives us an opportunity to develop our independence skills and social skills as we enjoy chatting to and helping our friends. We sometimes follow this session with Maths, using the maths mastery approach, or a topic related reading, writing and comprehension rotation. Our afternoons include, swimming, Makaton signing choir, PSHE, Art and Topic.
We enjoy being able to take our learning into the community and developing our integration links with our local primary schools.
Each week we plan a themed “hook”. This is our short term planning which incorporates the overarching topic, the IPP targets of the class and makes use of the interests of the individual pupils. We plan exciting and interesting activities and lessons in order to grab the attention of our children and sustain their learning. We always endeavour to offer our children an irresistible invitation to learn.
All staff use a range of total communication methods that will enhance pupil’s communication and language needs. These strategies may include: the use of simple and clear speech, intensive interaction, visual supports, objects of reference, Colourful Semantics, PECs, ALD boards and Makaton signing
If you would like to contact us please do using our email address;
Bluebell Class Timetable
Summer Term Topic – Now that’s a talent
Our Hooks; Talented people, Build it, Hobbies, Cooking, Artists, The Arts, Sports and disability awareness.